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And become a real captain by practicing with us.
Take the first step towards obtaining a skipper's license today.
There are many examples from my own practice with illustrations and films.
The full course "Theory of sailing yacht management" in webinars.
The cost for the full course is 10,000 rubles.
Online in live webinars. Not a record!
The start is on February 12th. until April 20
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
from 20 to 22
Come, it will be interesting!
What will you get:
- Certificate of completion
- The certificate of completion of the theory will give you the opportunity to move on to practical training in order to obtain an international captain's license.
- Circle of like-minded
people - You get into a unique community of like-minded yachtsmen, with whom you will be able to go on joint trips in the future.
- Online meetings with the teacher
- We hold several online meetings where the course teacher examines your homework and answers all questions that arise.
- Consultations after graduation
- Assistance and additional discounts for yacht rentals, advice on choosing routes and a hotline
- Invitation to a maritime internship in Turkey
- We will invite everyone who has successfully studied the theoretical course to practice in Turkey.
In the program:
"Course overview. The history of the sail"
"Physics of motion under sail. Why the yacht sails. Polar charts. The courses and speeds of the yacht in relation to the wind"
"The device of a sailing boat. Sails, rigging, engine, electricity and water on the yacht"
"Yacht management under the engine"
"Yacht management under sail. Turns. Efficient sailing. Setting up"
"Mooring. Going to sea."
"Mooring. Coming in from the sea."
"Ace/An inflatable boat. Use and care"
"Anchoring in bays and marinas".
"Navigation. Classic navigation. Maps, Tools, Pads"
"Navigation. Electronic navigation. Instruments, cartography, radar, AIS"
"GMDSS. Rules of maritime traffic. Signs, lighthouses, lights"
"GMSSB. VHF radio exchange"
"Weather forecasts"
"Wind and its behavior".
"Tides and ebbs."
"Rescue of drowning people."
"Legal aspects of yachting. Crossing borders."
"A yacht for rent. How not to make money when renting a yacht."
"Yacht waters. Features".
The course is based on the IYT Bareboat Captain/Skipper training program, supplemented with the necessary information and examples from twenty years of practice
Event prices