Sailing trip around Primorye

Pacific coast, Russia

Event organizer

960 – 1 820 €

Duration, days


Event date range

17.07.2024 - 21.07.2024

Experience Level

Basic level

Event languages


Route details

Start point

Vladivostok, Seven Feet Yacht Club

End point

Vladivostok, Seven Feet Yacht Club

Route description

Day 1. Arrival on the yacht, acquaintance, dinner at the restaurant

At 17:00, we gather on board at the Seven Feet Yacht Club, get acquainted with the team, listen to a safety briefing and an adventure program.

Then the whole team will go to the restaurant of the Seven Feet yacht club with a beautiful terrace and excellent Far Eastern cuisine, chat and get to know each other better. If we are lucky, we will catch a beautiful sunset, against which the sports yachts will return from the traditional sailing race on Wednesdays.

After the restaurant, we will return to the yacht and continue our conversation, optionally over a glass of wine or a mug of hot tea. We spend the night in the home harbor.

We will buy all the products in advance, there is no need to worry about it. But in the evening there will be time to buy anything in the store so that your trip will be the best.

Day 2. Amur Bay and gastronomic experience

We wake up, have breakfast on board and prepare to leave. Let's divide into watches — you can take part or not in the management of the yacht, depending on your desire. We leave the harbor at 10:00.

We are immediately heading to the uninhabited archipelago of the Pakhtusov Islands. The transition will take about 3 hours. We plan to sail and in a leisurely mode in order to maximize the enjoyment of sea holidays and adventures. On the way, we will stop at the scallop and trepang farm and cook the most delicious delicacies from the freshest seafood on board. Transparent blue water, a rich underwater world and 3 tiny islands await us on site. Let's anchor, have a snack and go swimming and explore new places.

Day 3. Chill, sauna, barbecue, party with the Boarding group

We wake up in the morning, have breakfast, swim in turquoise water. Then we head to the Minosok Bay in the Slavyansk Bay. On the way, we stop at Gerasimov Island, a beautiful place on the route where, with luck, you can meet a Far Eastern seal.

Next, we go to the Minnows Bay — one of the most favorite places for all yachtsmen of Primorye. This is a beautiful and always calm bay, which is closed from all sides from the wind and waves. In the evening, we will disembark all the yacht crews, light a bonfire and arrange a barbecue party along with music and a party. The best marine-themed covers with guitar and saxophone will be performed by the band "Boarding".

Day 4. Rest, swimming, seals

We will weigh anchor and sail around the Antipenko and Sibiryakov islands. On the way to them we will pass Cape Bruce, where one of the most beautiful lighthouses of Primorye is located. In the strait between the Antipenko and Sibiryakova islands is the kekur Column, a huge lonely rock that rises 20 meters. A large family of fur seals has been living here for several years, which can be watched directly from the yacht.

The final point of the route will be the Pogranichnaya Bay on Popov Island. This will be the longest passage of the journey, in the process we will cast fishing rods and try to catch something. We will anchor in the late afternoon and have dinner with a fresh catch.

Day 5. Yachting and the Russian island of the new side

In the morning we will have time to swim in the bay of Popov Island. And then we will go towards Vladivostok by an unusual route — from the southern side of the islands, past the famous cape Shkota and Tobizin. From the sea, it all looks even more beautiful than from the shore.

We plan to return to the harbor by 16:00 and we will be able to stay on the yacht until the evening. If we still have the strength, we will plan a joint trip to a bar or restaurant to celebrate the end of the trip and share our impressions!

Event prices

Prepayment amount %


Prepayment is made without additional charges

Included in the price


meals on board (except alcohol)



sup board


Type of placement

One place in a double cabin on the yacht

Available Places




fixed price in rubles 95,000

Type of placement

Double cabin on the yacht

Available Places



1 820

fixed price in rubles 180,000

How to get there

The nearest airport to the start point

Vladivostok International Airport (VVO)

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The airfare is not included in the booking price

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Event date range

17.07.2024 - 21.07.2024