Lagoon Catamaran

Тиват, Черногория

Организатор мероприятия

1 600 €

Длительность, часов


Даты мероприятия

01.04.2024 - 01.04.2025

Уровень сложности


Языки мероприятия



Детали маршрута

Место старта

Marina Solila, Tivat

Место финиша

Marina Solila, Tivat

Описание маршрута

Lagoon Catamarans has been the world's premium reference in sailing and power catamaran with superior performance, quality, and comfort. Dynamic under sails, even in light winds, easy to manoeuvre under power.
Enjoy your privacy. Discover unique places. Sleep under the stars.|

Thousands of lovers of the sea, adventure, good parties and eternal romance have sailed on our catamarans and have had splendid experiences. Thanks to all of them, so many nights under the stars have been experienced. Peace, tranquility, but also interesting parties, as well as romantic dinners that will not leave anyone indifferent offer fulfilling, colourful and tailored vacation.

We have intended for different generations to live out their holiday to the fullest, so all true lovers of the sea, enjoyment and good company are welcome. According to the impressions of satisfied guests from previous years, for a complete experience of the coastal Montenegrin beauties, we invite you to a pleasant adventure.

The Catamarans in our offer provide cozy rest and they are designed to accommodate eight to ten adults, so you don’t have to worry about a lack of comfort. Each Catamaran has four air-conditioned cabins with four separate toilets. They can be rented out for one to seven or more days. Together with our professional skippers, who will create a route according to your needs, you will feel maximally relieved and safe to enjoy the beauties and pleasures that lie ahead of you and your loved ones undisturbed.

Участвующие лодки

Парусный катамаран

Длина лодки (Ft) 45


Размер предоплаты %

Предоплата вносится без учета дополнительных сборов

В стоимость входит


услуги шкипера

Тип размещения

цена за всю лодку

Доступные места



1 600

Как добраться

Ближайший аэропорт к месту старта

Tivat Airport (TIV)

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Даты мероприятия

01.04.2024 - 01.04.2025